Friday, July 20, 2007

HP 7 n' The deaThlY hoLLow----terBit besOk!!!!

ada PestanYa sgaLa lHow!!! baca Niy!!!

"J.K Rowlings final book "Harry Potter and The Deathly Holllows" is getting more than jsut good reviews!!!! For all you lucky folks who live in Las Vegas Nevada, you can alll attend the Grand Hallows Ball!!!! The ball will be held at the borders on Rainbow Blvd. and W. Lake Mead Blvd. in the Best in the West Shopping Center. There will be prizes, food, games, and more!!! Events are (but are not limited to..) the great Harry Potter Spelling bee where you can test your spelling smarts, the Great Snape debate where you silence your foes about Severus Sanpe, and the costume contest, so dress-up in your fave costume and hope you will be picked!!!! At the stroke of midnight you can finallY get your book "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows"!! (only if you reserved it will you get yours first!!! ) So be there or be square!!! Hopefully I'll see you there!!!"

sRy pake b. InggRis,,, daRi soNonYa c!!! haha coBa da di Indonesia yapH!!! yaH,,, qtA cM bisa nUnggu edisi indoNesianYa kLuar taun dePan de!!! gaX sabaR!!!!!

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