halo smuanya pa kabar
y ampun hari ney gw seneng bgt deh gw ktemu m 1st love gw namanya agung,,,y ampun dy keren bgt deh,,secara dy krg nak kuliahan
pdahal paginya gw patah hati gara2.... tp tb 2 aj tmn gw narik2 gw
g tawnya gw kaget bgt,,,gw deg2an abisss
ternyata emg perasaan g bisa d boongin yah,,,dari kls 1 gw dah suka m diya cm slalu gw tutup2in...cos gengsi gw
truss dy nyapa gw duluan,,, gw seneng bgt tp spti biasa gw m dy g pernah akur..bkg ap coba dy k gw???//"sombong luh!" org mah nanya pa kabar dah lama g ketemu..... klo smsan juga gitu ribut mulu..... tp gw kangeeeeen bgt,,,,,,,,,ternyata gw emg sayang bgt.....
awie lw juga suka bola,,,y ampun wie bkn blg,,,gw g ad tmn bwt ngobrolin bola,,,pas afc gw bt bgt tmn2 ga da yg suka
timnas keren bgt ya,,, pokoknya pemaen2nya top bgt,,,,,,, bambang p keren!!!! budi juga ,,eka juga..pokoknya smuanya deh
pren ...klo da yg punya poster nidji bwt gw ya,,plissss
i love u giring ,,,so moch
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
huy...huy...dyta negh!!
muup ya wie....
gw teh akhir2 neh suka males ngenet
jadi ya...gt...
sorry bgt...
ah awie negh...
gw kan jadi terpaksa baca tuh blog tentang HP!!!
jadi tw degh...
kan jadi ga seru.....
padahal gw dah menutup telinga n mata gw...
biar semua surprise!!!
tapi yakin loh yang waktu itu bener2 daniel???
gila ya,, sengak bgt klo emg bener,,,
tapi kata gw c enggak degh...
gw mah ga percaya...
n gw jg gak mo jadi ilfeel ke daniel gara2 ntu (klo emg bener)
btw,,kehidupan gw...di kelas 3 negh...sudah amat suram awalnya..
gw msk kelas paling suck bgt degh!!
suram, bkn ilfeel...kelas XII Ipa 4!!!
beh....asal lo2 pada tw ya...
si jEssy, Petsy Jessy...lo2 masih inget kan??musuh bebuyutan qt!!pindah ke mayat n msk ke kelas gw!!!
GOkil ga tuh!!!
beh...tambah suck bgt kan tuh kelas...
belom lagi...hubungan percintaan gw ma co gw...udah di ambang kehancuran....
sedih bgt gw...
pusing bgt gw...
gak bisa berhenti2 nangis tw ga c...
udah terlanjur sayang bgt gt....
klo lo liat gw sekarang, beh udah gak da tanda2 kehidupan lagi degh!!
doain ya biar gw ga putus...
bwt nha2, gw ga tw degh gw telat pa ga ngasi negh saran
klo kata gw c dua2nya ada resikonya...
klo lo mo pacaran yang lebih ngehot....(maksud???)
ya pilih yg ga solat ntu...
tp klo lo pilih yg alim,,,yagh..tw ndiri degh...gaya pacaran spesies macem gt...
nah, terserah dirimuh deh skarang....
oh iya...soal AFC
ah gak cuma smansa doank!!
di LIA depok,,gokil juga men!!!
gw ma temen2 gw tuh di kelas udah demo men ma gurunya minta nnton...secara ya hari itu qt pelajarannya ntn dvd gt d...nah ntn dvd kan bisa bsk2 tuh...makanya gw n temen2 gw tuh ngegokil gila gt degh...
walaupun cuma boleh pas babak ke-2 ja...
terus pas bel gw kan turun ke bawah,,(di bawah da TV juga)
Gila lo ya...orang2 tuh udah pada ngerumun kaya cendol di depan tuh TV! dari satpam mpe yg ngejemput nimbrung disitu!!!
yang pada mw masuk tuh ampe gak bisa, secara penuh bgt gt....
pada teriak2 udah berasa kaya di stadion aja degh....
pokoknya seru....
baru ngerasain gw LIA kaya gt,....
gokil gila...!!
walaupun akhirnya kalah....(msh sedih klo inget)
tapi bener kata lo wie, qt kalah dengan kepala tegak!!!!
kyknya cukup sekian gw nulis blog...
secara gw msh dalam masa berkabung n sedih total...
takut bgt n gw putus...
duh gokil mampus degh gw...
doain ya,...doain...
gw teh akhir2 neh suka males ngenet
jadi ya...gt...
sorry bgt...
ah awie negh...
gw kan jadi terpaksa baca tuh blog tentang HP!!!
jadi tw degh...
kan jadi ga seru.....
padahal gw dah menutup telinga n mata gw...
biar semua surprise!!!
tapi yakin loh yang waktu itu bener2 daniel???
gila ya,, sengak bgt klo emg bener,,,
tapi kata gw c enggak degh...
gw mah ga percaya...
n gw jg gak mo jadi ilfeel ke daniel gara2 ntu (klo emg bener)
btw,,kehidupan gw...di kelas 3 negh...sudah amat suram awalnya..
gw msk kelas paling suck bgt degh!!
suram, bkn ilfeel...kelas XII Ipa 4!!!
beh....asal lo2 pada tw ya...
si jEssy, Petsy Jessy...lo2 masih inget kan??musuh bebuyutan qt!!pindah ke mayat n msk ke kelas gw!!!
GOkil ga tuh!!!
beh...tambah suck bgt kan tuh kelas...
belom lagi...hubungan percintaan gw ma co gw...udah di ambang kehancuran....
sedih bgt gw...
pusing bgt gw...
gak bisa berhenti2 nangis tw ga c...
udah terlanjur sayang bgt gt....
klo lo liat gw sekarang, beh udah gak da tanda2 kehidupan lagi degh!!
doain ya biar gw ga putus...
bwt nha2, gw ga tw degh gw telat pa ga ngasi negh saran
klo kata gw c dua2nya ada resikonya...
klo lo mo pacaran yang lebih ngehot....(maksud???)
ya pilih yg ga solat ntu...
tp klo lo pilih yg alim,,,yagh..tw ndiri degh...gaya pacaran spesies macem gt...
nah, terserah dirimuh deh skarang....
oh iya...soal AFC
ah gak cuma smansa doank!!
di LIA depok,,gokil juga men!!!
gw ma temen2 gw tuh di kelas udah demo men ma gurunya minta nnton...secara ya hari itu qt pelajarannya ntn dvd gt d...nah ntn dvd kan bisa bsk2 tuh...makanya gw n temen2 gw tuh ngegokil gila gt degh...
walaupun cuma boleh pas babak ke-2 ja...
terus pas bel gw kan turun ke bawah,,(di bawah da TV juga)
Gila lo ya...orang2 tuh udah pada ngerumun kaya cendol di depan tuh TV! dari satpam mpe yg ngejemput nimbrung disitu!!!
yang pada mw masuk tuh ampe gak bisa, secara penuh bgt gt....
pada teriak2 udah berasa kaya di stadion aja degh....
pokoknya seru....
baru ngerasain gw LIA kaya gt,....
gokil gila...!!
walaupun akhirnya kalah....(msh sedih klo inget)
tapi bener kata lo wie, qt kalah dengan kepala tegak!!!!
kyknya cukup sekian gw nulis blog...
secara gw msh dalam masa berkabung n sedih total...
takut bgt n gw putus...
duh gokil mampus degh gw...
doain ya,...doain...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
aWie laGi!!!
sePibanGet.... aPa ga Da yang caRe sama Nie bLog slaIn gw????????????????? kMana oRang-oranG? beteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Sunday, July 22, 2007
rEvIew: harrY poTTer 7------> katNya cRitanYa kaya gIni!!!! aWie,,,
Chapter 1: The Dark Lord Ascending
The final book begins with Voldemort and his Death Eaters at the home of Lucius Malfoy receiving information from Snape and a ministery official about Potter's protections and planning how to kill Harry Potter before he can be hidden again as the protection given him in death by Lily Potter expires as he comes of age. After borrowing Lucius' wand, Voldemort kills his captive, Professor Charity Burbage, teacher of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, whom he has been casually torturing as Snape and Yaxley arrive.
Chapter 2: In Memorium
Harry, meanwhile, is getting ready for his trip and reading an obituary of Albus Dumbledore written by the latter's friend Elphias "Dogbreath" Doge; it is revealed that Dumbledore’s father, Percival, supposedly hated non-wizards and had killed several Muggles, and had died in Azkaban for his crimes and other deep background that becomes important mid-work. Harry regrets not having asked Dumbledore more about his past, but this is soon forgotten as he is leaving his home that night.
Chapter 3: The Dursleys Departing
Harry convinces his aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley that they need to leave as well to avoid being captured by the Death Eaters, and eventually they leave escorted by a pair of Order of Phoenix wizards, though not before his aunt and uncle further their dubious humanity. Dudley admits that he cares about Harry.
Chapter 4: The Seven Potters
Soon thereafter the Order of the Phoenix arrive with a plan to sneak Harry away from his house without Voldemort capturing him. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, the Weasley twins, Fleur Delacour, and Mundungus Fletcher take a polyjuice potion to make themselves look like Harry, and each departs with a different member of the Order of the Phoenix. Harry departs with Hagrid and, after being chased by Death Eaters and Voldemort, narrowly escapes to the Burrow. There, the casualties are counted: Hedwig, Harry’s owl, was struck by a killing curse; George Weasley lost an ear; Alastor Moody was killed by Voldemort himself. Harry later has a vision regarding his escape; his wand had reacted with Voldemort’s borrowed wand, destroying it, and he has a vision of Voldemort questioning Ollivander, the wand maker, about why it happened.
A few days later, the Minister of Magic arrives at the Weasley residence to give Harry, Ron, and Hermione what Dumbledore had willed to them: to Ron, a Deluminator (known as the "Put-Outer" in previous books), with the power to douse all the lights in a room; to Hermione, a book of children’s stories; and to Harry, Godric Gryffindor’s sword and the first snitch Harry had ever caught. The sword, however, was withheld because, the minister claimed it was not Dumbledore's to give. The three try to discover the purpose of the objects being given to them, but are unable to figure it out before the wedding between Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley the next day.
Harry disguises himself for the wedding. During the wedding Voldemort takes over the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all flee the wedding, first fleeing to a Muggle café. Though they think themselves safe for the moment, two Death Eaters find them almost immediately and attack them. They manage to defeat the Death Eaters, but thinking themselves in danger in public, flee to 12 Grimmauld Place, where they hide themselves. The group realizes that Regulus Arcturus Black was the R.A.B. from the locket Harry found with Dumbledore, and begin searching the house for the Horcrux. Kreacher, after a bit of persuasion, tells the trio that he had helped Regulus in assisting Voldemort to place the locket Horcrux in the cave. After Regulus became disenchanted, however, he ordered him to return to the cave such that he could substitute a fake locket for the real one; however, he is killed in the act. Eventually they realize that Mundungus Fletcher stole the locket and send Kreacher to find Fletcher and bring back the locket. Kreacher finds Fletcher, but he has already given the amulet away to Dolores Umbridge.
After a month of spying on the Ministry of Magic, the trio try to infiltrate it in order to retrieve the Horcrux from Dolores Umbridge. They ambush three wizards and use Polyjuice Potion to impersonate them. They discover the Ministry of Magic has changed considerably; Muggle-born wizards and witches are being rounded up openly and the Ministry itself is demonstrating its superiority over the Muggle-borns. The three take Mad-Eye Moody's eye back from Umbridge, knocking her out in the process, taking the Horcrux with them. They free a number of Muggle-born wizards and witches, encouraging them to flee the country. However, their hiding place is discovered and they are forced to flee to the countryside, moving from place to place, never staying anywhere too long.
After several months of moving around they overhear a conversation wherein it is revealed that Godric Gryffindor’s sword in possession of the Ministry is actually a fake. Harry hears this and is heartened, and after questioning the portrait of Phineas Black, he discovers that the sword had last been used by Dumbledore to destroy another Horcrux, the Gaunt’s ring. However, Ron feels this is just another thing for them to do and, having been injured in their escape from the Ministry of Magic, he gets in an argument with Harry and leaves, leaving Harry and Hermione together. The two are greatly saddened, but eventually realize they have to go to Godric's Hollow on the off-chance Dumbledore left the sword there for them.
Arriving in Godric's Hollow, the two first visit the memorial to Harry’s family, then the graveyard, where both Harry and Dumbledore’s families are buried. After laying a wreath on Harry’s parents’ grave, they encounter the old woman Bathilda Bagshot, an old family friend of Dumbledore’s who authored The History of Magic. Thinking she may have been entrusted with the sword, they follow her to her house, where they find a picture of the dark wizard Grindelwald, Bagshot’s relative and once, long ago, Dumbledore’s childhood friend. However, it is actually a trap; “Bagshot” is actually Nagini, Voldemort’s snake familiar, and Harry and Hermione only narrowly escape from Voldemort, accidentally destroying Harry’s wand.
On the run for a few more days, eventually a doe patronus appears on the edge of their camp and leads Harry to Godric Gryffindor’s sword, hidden in a frozen forest pool. Harry strips down and dives down after the sword but the locket Horcrux responds poorly and tries to strangle Harry. Ron returns and saves Harry from drowning, and also retrieving the sword from the pool. The two then destroy the Horcrux with the sword and return to camp. Hermione is less than pleased with Ron and his return, but had discovered their next step: to speak to Xenophilius Lovegood and ask him about Grindelwald's mark, a symbol which has shown up time and again during their journey.
At Lovegood’s home, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are told an old wizard story about three brothers who bested Death, and each had received a magical item for it, the three Deathly Hallows – an unbeatable wand (called the Elder Wand), a stone which could bring back the dead (the Resurrection Stone), and an Invisibility Cloak that never failed with age. Harry believes that his own cloak is the Invisibility Cloak, and is very excited, but soon discovers that Lovegood has betrayed them to the Ministry; Luna, his daughter, has been taken captive and he believes that giving them Harry Potter would cause them to free her. The trio barely escape from the wizards sent to fetch them, but Harry is emboldened and believes that they need to collect all the Deathly Hallows, these artifacts given by Death, to defeat Voldemort.
A few weeks later, the three are still no closer to finding the Deathly Hallows or more Horcruxes. They finally manage to tune into a rogue wizard radio broadcast, run by people they know which gives news on what is really happening. However, Harry accidentally says Voldemort’s name and Voldemort’s followers, having jinxed the name, find Harry, Ron, and Hermione and capture them, taking them to Lucius Malfoy’s home. There, Hermione is tortured and interrogated by Bellatrix Lestrange to find how she acquired Godric Griffindor’s sword, believing it to have been stolen from her vault, while Harry and Ron are imprisoned in the basement with Dean Thomas, Griphook the goblin, Ollivander the wand maker, and Luna Lovegood. Harry asks the broken fragment of mirror he has for help and Dobby appears to help him, freeing them. Dobby saves Dean and Ollivander, but they have made too much noise and Wormtail is sent to check on the prisoners. Harry and Ron subdue him, and Wormtail resists strangling Harry. Ron takes away Wormtail’s wand and Wormtail’s artificial hand, made by Voldemort, strangles its owner to death for the mercy he’s shown. Ron and Harry, helpless to aid him, rush upstairs to save Hermione with the help of Dobby. They escape as Voldemort is close to arriving, but Dobby is slain by Bellatrix Lestrange as they flee.
After burying Dobby, Harry and his friends begin planning anew. Harry questions Ollivander about the Elder Wand, and chooses not to try and prevent Voldemort from acquiring it from the tomb of its last owner, Dumbledore. Instead, he questions Griphook about how to break into Gringotts, and in exchange offers him the goblin made sword of Godric Griffindor. After extensive planning, the group goes to Gringotts to see if they can find one of the horcruxes in the Lestrange vault; Hermione poses as Bellatrix Lestrange, Ron is disguised, and Griphook and Harry go in under the Invisibility Cloak. They manage to penetrate the traps and find the horcrux, Hufflepuff’s cup, but Griphook betrays their presence and flees with the sword. Harry, Ron, and Hermione narrowly escape on the back of a captive dragon, but Voldemort discovers at long last that they are seeking out his Horcruxes.
Harry has a vision shortly after the escape; he can see from Voldemort’s eyes and hear his thoughts. Voldemort lists off all the locations of the horcruxes, realizing now they are being sought after and destroyed. Voldemort inadvertently reveals that the final horcrux, which Harry suspects to be a relic of the founder of Ravenclaw, is safe within Hogwarts. Harry realizes that if they want to get the Horcrux within Hogwarts, they need to do so immediately, before Voldemort finds his other horcruxes missing.
At Hogsmeade, Harry and friends are cornered by Death Eaters and saved by Aberforth Dumbledore. Aberforth opens a secret passageway to Hogwarts, where Neville Longbottom greets them. Harry alerts the Heads of Houses at Hogwarts to Voldemort's imminent arrival and evacuation measures are implemented to ensure the younger students' safety, with the older ones able to stay and fight. After saving Draco Malfoy's life, Harry finds Ravenclaw's diadem in the room of requirement and it is destroyed. Harry, Hermione and Ron go to the Shrieking Shack, where they see Voldemort kill Snape, believing this will transfer the Elder wand's power to him. As he dies, Snape gives up memories to Harry, which reveal that Snape was on Dumbledore's side, motivated by his lifelong love of Lily Potter. Snape was asked by Dumbledore to kill him if the situation demands it; the curse placed on the horcrux ring limited Dumbledore's life, regardless. Resigned to his fate, Harry sacrifices himself to Voldemort, and is seemingly killed.
However, Harry awakens and meets the deceased Albus Dumbledore in what appears to be a deserted King's Cross station. Here, it is explained he cannot die whilst Voldemort lives since he used Harry's blood to recreate his body, and Lily's protection binds the two. It is unclear if he actually dies, or it is merely a dream. "Dumbledore" reveals that Harry was the final Horcrux and needed to die before Voldemort can be killed, finding that the spell destroyed the part of Voldemort's soul he had inside himself represented by a wounded dying creature. He also discovers Dumbledore himself sought the Hallows, with Grindlewald, for less than noble reasons - a mistake resulting in the death of his sister Ariana from neglect. Only Harry is worthy of possessing the Hallows. Harry is given the choice of returning to try and stop Voldemort, which he decides to do.
Back in the forest, on Voldemort's orders, Hagrid carries Harry (seemingly dead) back to Hogwarts to much dismay and shock to those there. Bravely, Voldemort is faced down by Neville, who rejects his offer to join him and become a Death Eater. Voldemort then proceeds to torture Neville using the burning sorting hat - at that moment, the Centaurs attack. In the confusion, Harry covers himself with the invisibility cloak and Nagini, the last horcrux, is killed by Neville using Gryffindor's sword pulled from the sorting hat. In the ensuing battle, Bellatrix is killed by Molly Weasley and Harry reveals himself to prevent Voldemort from killing her in retaliation. Coming face to face with Voldemort in the Great Hall, Harry is seemingly faced with impossible odds - with Voldemort possessing the Elder wand, he cannot be beaten in a duel. However, Harry gambles correctly that Draco Malfoy was the true master of the Elder Wand, not Snape - by Disarming Malfoy, the mastership of the wand has passed to Harry, not Voldemort. When Voldemort strikes Harry with the killing curse from the Elder wand it rebounds on him, due to Harry's mastership of the wand, killing himself once and for all.
In the story's epilogue, taking place 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, two Weasleys are married to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: Harry married Ginny Weasley and Hermione married Ron Weasley. Harry and Ginny sired three children named James, Albus Severus, and Lily, while Ron and Hermione begat two children named Rose and Hugo. Draco Malfoy has a child named Scorpius. Lupin and Tonks' orphan son Teddy is apparently in love with Victoire, Bill and Fleur's daughter. They all meet at King's Cross, about to send their children to Hogwarts at the beginning of term. Neville Longbottom has become the Herbology Professor at Hogwarts. It is revealed that Harry's scar has not hurt since the Dark Lord's defeat, and there, the story ends.
The final book begins with Voldemort and his Death Eaters at the home of Lucius Malfoy receiving information from Snape and a ministery official about Potter's protections and planning how to kill Harry Potter before he can be hidden again as the protection given him in death by Lily Potter expires as he comes of age. After borrowing Lucius' wand, Voldemort kills his captive, Professor Charity Burbage, teacher of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, whom he has been casually torturing as Snape and Yaxley arrive.
Chapter 2: In Memorium
Harry, meanwhile, is getting ready for his trip and reading an obituary of Albus Dumbledore written by the latter's friend Elphias "Dogbreath" Doge; it is revealed that Dumbledore’s father, Percival, supposedly hated non-wizards and had killed several Muggles, and had died in Azkaban for his crimes and other deep background that becomes important mid-work. Harry regrets not having asked Dumbledore more about his past, but this is soon forgotten as he is leaving his home that night.
Chapter 3: The Dursleys Departing
Harry convinces his aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley that they need to leave as well to avoid being captured by the Death Eaters, and eventually they leave escorted by a pair of Order of Phoenix wizards, though not before his aunt and uncle further their dubious humanity. Dudley admits that he cares about Harry.
Chapter 4: The Seven Potters
Soon thereafter the Order of the Phoenix arrive with a plan to sneak Harry away from his house without Voldemort capturing him. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, the Weasley twins, Fleur Delacour, and Mundungus Fletcher take a polyjuice potion to make themselves look like Harry, and each departs with a different member of the Order of the Phoenix. Harry departs with Hagrid and, after being chased by Death Eaters and Voldemort, narrowly escapes to the Burrow. There, the casualties are counted: Hedwig, Harry’s owl, was struck by a killing curse; George Weasley lost an ear; Alastor Moody was killed by Voldemort himself. Harry later has a vision regarding his escape; his wand had reacted with Voldemort’s borrowed wand, destroying it, and he has a vision of Voldemort questioning Ollivander, the wand maker, about why it happened.
A few days later, the Minister of Magic arrives at the Weasley residence to give Harry, Ron, and Hermione what Dumbledore had willed to them: to Ron, a Deluminator (known as the "Put-Outer" in previous books), with the power to douse all the lights in a room; to Hermione, a book of children’s stories; and to Harry, Godric Gryffindor’s sword and the first snitch Harry had ever caught. The sword, however, was withheld because, the minister claimed it was not Dumbledore's to give. The three try to discover the purpose of the objects being given to them, but are unable to figure it out before the wedding between Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley the next day.
Harry disguises himself for the wedding. During the wedding Voldemort takes over the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all flee the wedding, first fleeing to a Muggle café. Though they think themselves safe for the moment, two Death Eaters find them almost immediately and attack them. They manage to defeat the Death Eaters, but thinking themselves in danger in public, flee to 12 Grimmauld Place, where they hide themselves. The group realizes that Regulus Arcturus Black was the R.A.B. from the locket Harry found with Dumbledore, and begin searching the house for the Horcrux. Kreacher, after a bit of persuasion, tells the trio that he had helped Regulus in assisting Voldemort to place the locket Horcrux in the cave. After Regulus became disenchanted, however, he ordered him to return to the cave such that he could substitute a fake locket for the real one; however, he is killed in the act. Eventually they realize that Mundungus Fletcher stole the locket and send Kreacher to find Fletcher and bring back the locket. Kreacher finds Fletcher, but he has already given the amulet away to Dolores Umbridge.
After a month of spying on the Ministry of Magic, the trio try to infiltrate it in order to retrieve the Horcrux from Dolores Umbridge. They ambush three wizards and use Polyjuice Potion to impersonate them. They discover the Ministry of Magic has changed considerably; Muggle-born wizards and witches are being rounded up openly and the Ministry itself is demonstrating its superiority over the Muggle-borns. The three take Mad-Eye Moody's eye back from Umbridge, knocking her out in the process, taking the Horcrux with them. They free a number of Muggle-born wizards and witches, encouraging them to flee the country. However, their hiding place is discovered and they are forced to flee to the countryside, moving from place to place, never staying anywhere too long.
After several months of moving around they overhear a conversation wherein it is revealed that Godric Gryffindor’s sword in possession of the Ministry is actually a fake. Harry hears this and is heartened, and after questioning the portrait of Phineas Black, he discovers that the sword had last been used by Dumbledore to destroy another Horcrux, the Gaunt’s ring. However, Ron feels this is just another thing for them to do and, having been injured in their escape from the Ministry of Magic, he gets in an argument with Harry and leaves, leaving Harry and Hermione together. The two are greatly saddened, but eventually realize they have to go to Godric's Hollow on the off-chance Dumbledore left the sword there for them.
Arriving in Godric's Hollow, the two first visit the memorial to Harry’s family, then the graveyard, where both Harry and Dumbledore’s families are buried. After laying a wreath on Harry’s parents’ grave, they encounter the old woman Bathilda Bagshot, an old family friend of Dumbledore’s who authored The History of Magic. Thinking she may have been entrusted with the sword, they follow her to her house, where they find a picture of the dark wizard Grindelwald, Bagshot’s relative and once, long ago, Dumbledore’s childhood friend. However, it is actually a trap; “Bagshot” is actually Nagini, Voldemort’s snake familiar, and Harry and Hermione only narrowly escape from Voldemort, accidentally destroying Harry’s wand.
On the run for a few more days, eventually a doe patronus appears on the edge of their camp and leads Harry to Godric Gryffindor’s sword, hidden in a frozen forest pool. Harry strips down and dives down after the sword but the locket Horcrux responds poorly and tries to strangle Harry. Ron returns and saves Harry from drowning, and also retrieving the sword from the pool. The two then destroy the Horcrux with the sword and return to camp. Hermione is less than pleased with Ron and his return, but had discovered their next step: to speak to Xenophilius Lovegood and ask him about Grindelwald's mark, a symbol which has shown up time and again during their journey.
At Lovegood’s home, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are told an old wizard story about three brothers who bested Death, and each had received a magical item for it, the three Deathly Hallows – an unbeatable wand (called the Elder Wand), a stone which could bring back the dead (the Resurrection Stone), and an Invisibility Cloak that never failed with age. Harry believes that his own cloak is the Invisibility Cloak, and is very excited, but soon discovers that Lovegood has betrayed them to the Ministry; Luna, his daughter, has been taken captive and he believes that giving them Harry Potter would cause them to free her. The trio barely escape from the wizards sent to fetch them, but Harry is emboldened and believes that they need to collect all the Deathly Hallows, these artifacts given by Death, to defeat Voldemort.
A few weeks later, the three are still no closer to finding the Deathly Hallows or more Horcruxes. They finally manage to tune into a rogue wizard radio broadcast, run by people they know which gives news on what is really happening. However, Harry accidentally says Voldemort’s name and Voldemort’s followers, having jinxed the name, find Harry, Ron, and Hermione and capture them, taking them to Lucius Malfoy’s home. There, Hermione is tortured and interrogated by Bellatrix Lestrange to find how she acquired Godric Griffindor’s sword, believing it to have been stolen from her vault, while Harry and Ron are imprisoned in the basement with Dean Thomas, Griphook the goblin, Ollivander the wand maker, and Luna Lovegood. Harry asks the broken fragment of mirror he has for help and Dobby appears to help him, freeing them. Dobby saves Dean and Ollivander, but they have made too much noise and Wormtail is sent to check on the prisoners. Harry and Ron subdue him, and Wormtail resists strangling Harry. Ron takes away Wormtail’s wand and Wormtail’s artificial hand, made by Voldemort, strangles its owner to death for the mercy he’s shown. Ron and Harry, helpless to aid him, rush upstairs to save Hermione with the help of Dobby. They escape as Voldemort is close to arriving, but Dobby is slain by Bellatrix Lestrange as they flee.
After burying Dobby, Harry and his friends begin planning anew. Harry questions Ollivander about the Elder Wand, and chooses not to try and prevent Voldemort from acquiring it from the tomb of its last owner, Dumbledore. Instead, he questions Griphook about how to break into Gringotts, and in exchange offers him the goblin made sword of Godric Griffindor. After extensive planning, the group goes to Gringotts to see if they can find one of the horcruxes in the Lestrange vault; Hermione poses as Bellatrix Lestrange, Ron is disguised, and Griphook and Harry go in under the Invisibility Cloak. They manage to penetrate the traps and find the horcrux, Hufflepuff’s cup, but Griphook betrays their presence and flees with the sword. Harry, Ron, and Hermione narrowly escape on the back of a captive dragon, but Voldemort discovers at long last that they are seeking out his Horcruxes.
Harry has a vision shortly after the escape; he can see from Voldemort’s eyes and hear his thoughts. Voldemort lists off all the locations of the horcruxes, realizing now they are being sought after and destroyed. Voldemort inadvertently reveals that the final horcrux, which Harry suspects to be a relic of the founder of Ravenclaw, is safe within Hogwarts. Harry realizes that if they want to get the Horcrux within Hogwarts, they need to do so immediately, before Voldemort finds his other horcruxes missing.
At Hogsmeade, Harry and friends are cornered by Death Eaters and saved by Aberforth Dumbledore. Aberforth opens a secret passageway to Hogwarts, where Neville Longbottom greets them. Harry alerts the Heads of Houses at Hogwarts to Voldemort's imminent arrival and evacuation measures are implemented to ensure the younger students' safety, with the older ones able to stay and fight. After saving Draco Malfoy's life, Harry finds Ravenclaw's diadem in the room of requirement and it is destroyed. Harry, Hermione and Ron go to the Shrieking Shack, where they see Voldemort kill Snape, believing this will transfer the Elder wand's power to him. As he dies, Snape gives up memories to Harry, which reveal that Snape was on Dumbledore's side, motivated by his lifelong love of Lily Potter. Snape was asked by Dumbledore to kill him if the situation demands it; the curse placed on the horcrux ring limited Dumbledore's life, regardless. Resigned to his fate, Harry sacrifices himself to Voldemort, and is seemingly killed.
However, Harry awakens and meets the deceased Albus Dumbledore in what appears to be a deserted King's Cross station. Here, it is explained he cannot die whilst Voldemort lives since he used Harry's blood to recreate his body, and Lily's protection binds the two. It is unclear if he actually dies, or it is merely a dream. "Dumbledore" reveals that Harry was the final Horcrux and needed to die before Voldemort can be killed, finding that the spell destroyed the part of Voldemort's soul he had inside himself represented by a wounded dying creature. He also discovers Dumbledore himself sought the Hallows, with Grindlewald, for less than noble reasons - a mistake resulting in the death of his sister Ariana from neglect. Only Harry is worthy of possessing the Hallows. Harry is given the choice of returning to try and stop Voldemort, which he decides to do.
Back in the forest, on Voldemort's orders, Hagrid carries Harry (seemingly dead) back to Hogwarts to much dismay and shock to those there. Bravely, Voldemort is faced down by Neville, who rejects his offer to join him and become a Death Eater. Voldemort then proceeds to torture Neville using the burning sorting hat - at that moment, the Centaurs attack. In the confusion, Harry covers himself with the invisibility cloak and Nagini, the last horcrux, is killed by Neville using Gryffindor's sword pulled from the sorting hat. In the ensuing battle, Bellatrix is killed by Molly Weasley and Harry reveals himself to prevent Voldemort from killing her in retaliation. Coming face to face with Voldemort in the Great Hall, Harry is seemingly faced with impossible odds - with Voldemort possessing the Elder wand, he cannot be beaten in a duel. However, Harry gambles correctly that Draco Malfoy was the true master of the Elder Wand, not Snape - by Disarming Malfoy, the mastership of the wand has passed to Harry, not Voldemort. When Voldemort strikes Harry with the killing curse from the Elder wand it rebounds on him, due to Harry's mastership of the wand, killing himself once and for all.
In the story's epilogue, taking place 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, two Weasleys are married to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: Harry married Ginny Weasley and Hermione married Ron Weasley. Harry and Ginny sired three children named James, Albus Severus, and Lily, while Ron and Hermione begat two children named Rose and Hugo. Draco Malfoy has a child named Scorpius. Lupin and Tonks' orphan son Teddy is apparently in love with Victoire, Bill and Fleur's daughter. They all meet at King's Cross, about to send their children to Hogwarts at the beginning of term. Neville Longbottom has become the Herbology Professor at Hogwarts. It is revealed that Harry's scar has not hurt since the Dark Lord's defeat, and there, the story ends.
hArrY poTTer anD tHe deathLy hollows------> faSt facTs!!!!!,,,,, aWie!!!!

*Death List
-Rufus scrimgeour
-Colin Creevey
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Fred Weasley
*George lost an ear
*Percy reconciled w/ his family & help fought against voldemort, he resigned from his work at the ministry
*Lupin & Tonks got married they had a son named Teddy
*Harry was wanted for Dumbledore's death
*R.A.B is Regulus Arcturus Black, He & Kreacher went to the cave to get the horcrux, Regulus drank the potion, he took the real locket & gave it to kreacher telling him to live & destroy the locket.
*Snape has been made Hogwarts Headmaster
*Snapes patronus is a doe, same as Lily's patronus
*Snape is on Dumbledore's side
*Snape loves Lily for nearly all of his life, from the time when they were children. He & Lily are friends
*Snape asked Voldemort to spare Lily's life
*Snape was killed by Voldemort, thingking snape is the master of the elder wand coz he's the one who killed Dumbledore whom the elder wand belonged to.
*Dumbledore & Snape planned Dumbledore's death
*Dumbkedore's father Percival had been convicted of a savage & well publicised attack upon 3 young muggles.
*Petunia send a letter to dumbledore begging him to let her come to hogwarts along w/ her sister
*Student from slytherin's house joined the death eater's & voldemort.
*The last unknown horcrux was ravenclaw's stone diadem
*Harry was Voldemorts 7th horcrux, the horcrux voldemort never meant to make
*Harry is the last living descendant of Ignotus
*Harry & Voldemort's last duel occured in Hogwarts
*Voldemort died, killed by his own rebounding killing curse
*Dumbledore's lived in godric's hollow
*Godric's Hollow is Godric Gryffindor's birthplace
ga Tw juGa bnEr pa Ga,,, coZ daPet dari gRoup di fRiendstEr! aT Least Ron ma HerMione-nya Ga maTi!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
HP 7 n' The deaThlY hoLLow----terBit besOk!!!!

ada PestanYa sgaLa lHow!!! baca Niy!!!
"J.K Rowlings final book "Harry Potter and The Deathly Holllows" is getting more than jsut good reviews!!!! For all you lucky folks who live in Las Vegas Nevada, you can alll attend the Grand Hallows Ball!!!! The ball will be held at the borders on Rainbow Blvd. and W. Lake Mead Blvd. in the Best in the West Shopping Center. There will be prizes, food, games, and more!!! Events are (but are not limited to..) the great Harry Potter Spelling bee where you can test your spelling smarts, the Great Snape debate where you silence your foes about Severus Sanpe, and the costume contest, so dress-up in your fave costume and hope you will be picked!!!! At the stroke of midnight you can finallY get your book "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows"!! (only if you reserved it will you get yours first!!! ) So be there or be square!!! Hopefully I'll see you there!!!"

sRy pake b. InggRis,,, daRi soNonYa c!!! haha coBa da di Indonesia yapH!!! yaH,,, qtA cM bisa nUnggu edisi indoNesianYa kLuar taun dePan de!!! gaX sabaR!!!!!
haRRy poTTer 5--------uDa noNton bLum????

awiE niY!!! wHoa penGen noNton hP5!!! pengen nOnton!!! sayanGnya berhubuNg noNton di biOskoP kemaHalan jadinYa mending gw nuNgguin dVd bajakannYa de!!! bWt yg uDa noNton,,, cRita DunX!!! padaHal nyOkap uDa beliiN ciNemagZ yg agusTus yG coVernya harRy poTTer itu!!! tP bLom sempet baCa!!! siBuk bGt uruSan sKul,,, giLiran mow baCa pasTi inGet 'uDa klaZ 3 mustI strUggLe!!!!' hIx,,, gMn mow nyanTaI kLo gT????
hiGh scHooL muSiCaL---------uDa paDa noNton Blum???-----------awIe niY!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
kLaz suRga^^----------di SmanSa
huEhehehe,,,, perCaya gA,,, ada Klaz surGa lHow di sMansa,,, yaiTu,,,, XII IPa 4!!! eNiweI,,, knapa c diseBut kLaz suRga,,, coZ di kelAz ini tuh TempatnYa naX2 piNter2 n raJin2!!!! bLom laGi cewe'nYa semUanya paKe jiLbab!!! yNag nGGak paKe jiLbab cuMa 3 oRang,,, iTupun karena Yg 2 noN-isLam n Yg saTu manX bLom pake jiLbab!!! tErkenaL saTu anGkatan bOw!!! samPe2,,, kLo oRang2 lewaT tuh samPe pada nGucapIn salaM assaLamu'aLaikum sgaLa!!! huEheHE,,, tRuz klazNya tuH ademmmmm aYYEEEEm bGt,,, alIas sepI giLa!!! tadinYa c yg diKira klaz oRang2 pinTer iTu klaZ gw-XII ipa 1- taPi sBenernya waLopun pInter naX kLaz gW itu tenGil2!!! hEHehEh!!! oIy,,, soaL XII ipa 4 itu,,, tMen gW cRita,,, kLo ada tmennya naManya 'aMot' uDa bikiN rangKuman ruMuz VCK slamA 1 tH!!! wuIIhhh,,, uDa siaP spMb tUh!!!!
uDa,,, Itu aja d cRitanYa,,, bWt nGisi2 bLog,,, biZ ga Da yG ngIsi c!!! jAdi braSa diaRy pribAdi d!!!
uDa,,, Itu aja d cRitanYa,,, bWt nGisi2 bLog,,, biZ ga Da yG ngIsi c!!! jAdi braSa diaRy pribAdi d!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
eniWei,,, akHirnya kiTa maLah diusiR ma wakaSek bid. kesiswaaN tRuz dihaLo2 disuRuh masuK kelaZ,,,, ga jadi d puLang cepet!!!!
sMansa gHokieL!!!!
heY,,, awiE niY!!! percaYa ga??? taDi tuh,,, naX smNsa gokiEl abizzz,,, tW dunX kLo haRi niY jam 5 sore da Pertandingan penenTuan afc,,, indoNesia vs koRea rep.??? naH berHubuNg baRu awaL2 masuK sKul n masiH gaZebo bgT!!! naX2 smAnsa paDa demO bo!!! DEMO!!! sbenErnya gW gtW c awalNya gmN,,, cM td paZ istiraHat sbelum jaM terakHir,,, gW kan lGie duduk2 di dPan klaZ gW,,, kelaZ gW XII IPA 1 pLg dPn dkT gerBang dLm,,, eH ujuG2 ada Ribut2 gT di araH lapangan buLutanGkis,,, tadInya c cuma suara2 orang ngegebuK perkUsi,,, trUz ada Yg baWa bendera meraH putih sgaLa!!! tadinYa gw ga ngeH,,, eH makIn lama malaH makIn jaDi,,, ada nAx smansa angKatan gW-gTw syP namanYa- ngibar2in bendEra merah putih di tengah2 lapNgan daLem bo!!! ghoKieLLL!!! langsuNg aja gW ksana,,, pnasaRan,,, ternyata mReka2 tuH lG pada demO minta dipUlangin cpeT gt,,, samPe sMua yG di daleM klaz langsung pada kelUar nonton,,, guRu2 di ruanG guRu-lantai2- jg pd kLuar gt!!! tRuz naX2 pD teriak2 INDONESIA!!! ky Yg suporteR boLa itu lHow!!! oIy,,, mreka juGa nyanyiin laGu 'indoNesia raya' keras2!!! sumpah terhaRu bgT!!! jujur ye,,, ini tUh skaLi-kalInya gW ngLiat yg kaya gIni di sMansa!!! dan ternyata biang keroknya itu,,, c nax2 IPS-yg cuma 1 kelas- n pd gokiL2 abizzz!!!! MenuruT mreka2 c,,, katanya daripada di Skul gaX jelas menDingan cabUt,,, biar bisa nonton bOla!!! Ini juGa menunJukkan raSa soLidarItas daN nasiOnalIsme mreka c!!! giLiran upaCara yang nyanYi suaranya kecil,,, ehhh,,, paZ inI aja nyanyiNya smanGad!!! kereeeeeeennnn!!!! samPe ada yG moto2 sgala lG,,, momEn skali seumur iduP c!!! kereeeeenn,,, gW bangga bGt sama mReka smUa,,, banYak orang yg mikir kalo kaum muda rasa nasionalismenya kUrang,,, tapi coba liat mreka????
tapi,,, indonesia kalah 0-1 dari korea rep.
yang pentIng mreKa uda Maen baGus,,,, congRatz,,, kiTa kalaH dengan kepaLa tegaK!!!!
tapi,,, indonesia kalah 0-1 dari korea rep.
yang pentIng mreKa uda Maen baGus,,,, congRatz,,, kiTa kalaH dengan kepaLa tegaK!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
terNyata giTu y,,, sry y gw tia,,, klo gW klIatannya ga ga respek sama Lw,,, cuZ gw jG lg da pRoblem ndiri,,,
gw mow cRita dikit,,, hari nie ada seorang tmen dr turki yg ng-add gw,,, berhubung gw sm dy lg sm2 onlen jadinya qta chatting di situ,,, truz pindah ke yahoo messenger,,, dy juga kasi gw surprise ktanya dy lg chat sama daniel,,, DANIEL RADCLIFFE bo!!!! idoL gw baNget!!! truZ dy ngajaKin gw cHat di msn,,, untung gw punya adress bdz tp musti download dl,,, sdgkan speedy gw bTs download bWt bulan ini uda penuh,,, jdnya ga bisa,,, akhirnya gw cuma bisa nghubungin si'daniel' ini di ym,,, tapi sumpah,,, gw kcewa bgt,,, siapapun dy,,, seandainya dia daniel bneran,,, GW GA MAU NGFANS LAGI MA DY!!! tp seandainya dy cm oRang yg ngaku2 jd 'dan' GW GA BAKAL MAAFIN DY,,, N SPY DY DIKUTUK!!! awalnya gw cuma nyapa,,, eh dy malah marah n bilang klo dy bner2 sibuk,,, blagu bgt!!!!!!!!!!! keselllllll!!!!!!!!!! gw curiga dy bukan 'dan' masa alamat emailnya tulisannya 'radcHliffe'? namanya kan 'radcliffe' (without h)? masa c orang bs salah nulis namanya ndiri???? aneh bgT,,,, abis itu gw chatting sambil bete ma 'siapapundia' eh dia malah bilang gini 'i dunt speak 2 u' blllaaaagggguuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! gw ga percaya klo 'dan' yg asli sombong gt,,,, asik bgt c tmen gw bisa chat ma dy!!!!! gw crita ma tmen gw kalo si 'dan' ini sombong bgt n jangan2 dy bkn 'dan' tp kt tmen gw dia liat di webcam fotonya,,, dan kliatannya asli... uggghhhhh!!!!!!!!! keseeellll!!!!!!!!!!! GW BENCI DANIEL RADCLIFFE kalo yg tadi itu bner2 dy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! suX!!!!!!!!!!
gw suka nonton afc,,, hidup INDONESIA,,, GANBATTE!!!!
gw mow cRita dikit,,, hari nie ada seorang tmen dr turki yg ng-add gw,,, berhubung gw sm dy lg sm2 onlen jadinya qta chatting di situ,,, truz pindah ke yahoo messenger,,, dy juga kasi gw surprise ktanya dy lg chat sama daniel,,, DANIEL RADCLIFFE bo!!!! idoL gw baNget!!! truZ dy ngajaKin gw cHat di msn,,, untung gw punya adress bdz tp musti download dl,,, sdgkan speedy gw bTs download bWt bulan ini uda penuh,,, jdnya ga bisa,,, akhirnya gw cuma bisa nghubungin si'daniel' ini di ym,,, tapi sumpah,,, gw kcewa bgt,,, siapapun dy,,, seandainya dia daniel bneran,,, GW GA MAU NGFANS LAGI MA DY!!! tp seandainya dy cm oRang yg ngaku2 jd 'dan' GW GA BAKAL MAAFIN DY,,, N SPY DY DIKUTUK!!! awalnya gw cuma nyapa,,, eh dy malah marah n bilang klo dy bner2 sibuk,,, blagu bgt!!!!!!!!!!! keselllllll!!!!!!!!!! gw curiga dy bukan 'dan' masa alamat emailnya tulisannya 'radcHliffe'? namanya kan 'radcliffe' (without h)? masa c orang bs salah nulis namanya ndiri???? aneh bgT,,,, abis itu gw chatting sambil bete ma 'siapapundia' eh dia malah bilang gini 'i dunt speak 2 u' blllaaaagggguuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! gw ga percaya klo 'dan' yg asli sombong gt,,,, asik bgt c tmen gw bisa chat ma dy!!!!! gw crita ma tmen gw kalo si 'dan' ini sombong bgt n jangan2 dy bkn 'dan' tp kt tmen gw dia liat di webcam fotonya,,, dan kliatannya asli... uggghhhhh!!!!!!!!! keseeellll!!!!!!!!!!! GW BENCI DANIEL RADCLIFFE kalo yg tadi itu bner2 dy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! suX!!!!!!!!!!
gw suka nonton afc,,, hidup INDONESIA,,, GANBATTE!!!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
thiea nih
hai smuanya....
unie sory yupz emg bnr lo dah baca novel the real lom,,, tu tuh ttg cwe kmbr 3 yg nm blkgnya kasogi...prasaan gw sih dah g asing lagi,, emg knp nie m dy ,,nyebelin yah wktu smp perasaan lo dah prnh crta deh m gw,,, gw nyimak lgi...
awie ,dyta sory klo gw crta krg jelas abis gw juga bingung,,
gini nih ceritanya gw kenal m sm1 yg kt gw angkanya beda satu m gw... pertama2 sih gw cuek plg cm iseng2 doang,,kbtln dlu gw lg bt kira2 gw tmmnan m dy dah staoon sih..lumayann byk kenangan gtu deh
tp knapa skrg mslh nya jd kyk bng kusut gini gw puyeng bgt ,, gw klo sama dy seneng ..comport aja..pdahl dy tuh bsa di blg nyebelin,,gmn dong gw dah terlanjur sayang m dy
percaya g tmn2 gw d skul th ngelarang gw bgt deh,,,gara2 sblm gw kenal m dy gw suka dulu m ka2 kls yg namanya agung.. tmn gw kesel dy dah dgn baik hati nyomblangin gw m dy...tp gw nyerah gitu aja.. ngebiarin agung mkn jauh,,tmn2 gw dsna ngira ni smua gara2 yg nmnya sandry
gw BT deh aplagi tmn gw yg nmnya devi ngejauhin gw....
emg gw g boleh apa tmnan ma dy????
ap yg salah dr dy????
t5au g pas kmren 2 s sandry tuh nyuruh gw pergi krna gw salah dy tau ttg agung... percaya g smuanya gw nangis...ya ampun nangis bnr2 nangis deh.. gw jd g semangat gtu deh ,gw juga g taw knp bsa gini ..gmn dong ternyata gw suka m dy...
tp ps kmren dy dah sms gw lagi kok ngasih penjelan gtu deh,,gw seneng deh
pren ,,siapa dong yg musti gw percaya?????
ad yg sk nonton afc g???
unie sory yupz emg bnr lo dah baca novel the real lom,,, tu tuh ttg cwe kmbr 3 yg nm blkgnya kasogi...prasaan gw sih dah g asing lagi,, emg knp nie m dy ,,nyebelin yah wktu smp perasaan lo dah prnh crta deh m gw,,, gw nyimak lgi...
awie ,dyta sory klo gw crta krg jelas abis gw juga bingung,,
gini nih ceritanya gw kenal m sm1 yg kt gw angkanya beda satu m gw... pertama2 sih gw cuek plg cm iseng2 doang,,kbtln dlu gw lg bt kira2 gw tmmnan m dy dah staoon sih..lumayann byk kenangan gtu deh
tp knapa skrg mslh nya jd kyk bng kusut gini gw puyeng bgt ,, gw klo sama dy seneng ..comport aja..pdahl dy tuh bsa di blg nyebelin,,gmn dong gw dah terlanjur sayang m dy
percaya g tmn2 gw d skul th ngelarang gw bgt deh,,,gara2 sblm gw kenal m dy gw suka dulu m ka2 kls yg namanya agung.. tmn gw kesel dy dah dgn baik hati nyomblangin gw m dy...tp gw nyerah gitu aja.. ngebiarin agung mkn jauh,,tmn2 gw dsna ngira ni smua gara2 yg nmnya sandry
gw BT deh aplagi tmn gw yg nmnya devi ngejauhin gw....
emg gw g boleh apa tmnan ma dy????
ap yg salah dr dy????
t5au g pas kmren 2 s sandry tuh nyuruh gw pergi krna gw salah dy tau ttg agung... percaya g smuanya gw nangis...ya ampun nangis bnr2 nangis deh.. gw jd g semangat gtu deh ,gw juga g taw knp bsa gini ..gmn dong ternyata gw suka m dy...
tp ps kmren dy dah sms gw lagi kok ngasih penjelan gtu deh,,gw seneng deh
pren ,,siapa dong yg musti gw percaya?????
ad yg sk nonton afc g???
Sunday, July 1, 2007
aWie lGie,,,
Aku melihatmu kemarin, saat engkaumemulai aktiviti harianmu. Kau banguntanpa sujud mengerjakan subuhmu.Bahkan kemudian, kau juga tidakmengucapkan "Bismillah" sebelummemulai santapanmu, juga tidak sempatmengerjakan shalat 'Isya sebelumberangkat ketempat tidurmu. Kau benar2orang yang bersyukur, Aku menyukainya.Aku tak dapat mengungkapkan betapasenangnya aku melihatmu tidak merubahcara hidupmu. Hai Bodoh, Kamumillikku. Ingat, kau dan aku sudahbertahun-tahun bersama,dan aku masihbelum bisa benar2 mencintaimu. Malahaku masih membencimu, karena aku benciAllah. Aku hanya menggunakanmu untukmembalas dendamku kepada Allah. Diasudah mencampakkan aku dari surga, danaku akan tetap memanfaatkanmusepanjang masa untuk mebalaskannya Kaulihat, ALLAH MENYAYANGIMU dan diamasih memiliki rencana-rencana untukmudihari depan. Tapi kau sudahmenyerahkan hidupmu padaku, dan akuakan membuat kehidupanmu sepertineraka. Sehingga kita bisa bersama duakali dan ini akan menyakiti hati ALLAHAku benar-benar berterimakasih padamu,karena aku sudah menunjukkan kepadaNYA siapa yang menjadi pengatur dalamhidupmu dalam masa2 yang kita jalaniKita nonton film 'porno' bersama,memaki orang, mencuri, berbohong,munafik, makan sekenyang-kenyangya,bergosip, manghakimi orang, menghujamorang dari belakang, tidak hormat padaorang tua , Tidak menghargai Masjid,berperilaku buruk. TENTUNYA kau takingin meninggalkan ini begitu saja.Ayuhlah, Hai Bodoh, kita terbakarbersama, selamanya. Aku masih memilikirencana2 hangat untuk kita. Ini hanyamerupakan surat penghargaanku untukmu. Aku inginmengucapkan 'TERIMAKASIH' karena sudahmengizinkanku memanfaatkan hampirsemua masa hidupmu. Kamu memang sangatmudah dibodohi, aku menertawakanmu.Saat kau tergoda berbuat dosa kamumenghadiahkan tawa. Dosa sudah mulaimewarnai hidupmu. Kamu sudah 20 tahunlebih tua, dan sekarang aku perludarah muda. Jadi, pergi danlanjutkanlah mengajarkan orang-orangmuda bagaimana berbuat dosa. Yangperlu kau lakukan adalah merokok,mabuk-mabukan, berbohong, berjudi,bergosip, dan hiduplah se-egoismungkin. Lakukan semua ini didepananak-anak dan mereka akan menirunya.Begitulah anak-anak . Baiklah, akupersilakan kau bergerak sekarang.Aku akan kembali beberapa detik lagiuntuk menggoda mu lagi. Jika kau cukupcerdas, kau akan lari sembunyi, danbertaubat atas dosa-dosamu. Dan hidupuntuk Allah dengan sisa umurmu yangtinggal sedikit. Memperingati orangbukan tabiatku, tapi diusiamu sekarangdan tetap melakukan dosa, sepertinyamemang agak aneh. Jangan salah sangka,aku masih tetap membencimu. Hanya sajakau harus menjadi orng tolol yanglebih baik dimata ALLAH.
welcome back with me....Nh@" is in da house
haluu......pa kabar neh???
masih inget ma gw ga??ni gw Nh@".penasehat baenya banddazh
kngen neh....kapan mo ngerumpi bareng lgee.
pada naek kls smua ga?pastnya dong...banddazh.....
bwt thiea,thanks ucpan ultahnya ( ku tunggu kadomu he..4x) boong ding...tapi klo bnran jg ga pa".
gw mo curhat neh....kudu di baca n ksh comment
skrng lg ad 2 org cowo dlm kehidupan gw.(cie....udh ky sinetron aje..)maklum gw kan populer...(wuaduh,narsisnya kambuh neh...)
yg jd mslh,2 cowo ni terlihat perfect di mata gw.
cowo pertama namanya Hadi.nax punk.but, rambutnya ga di mohawk kok...
Cowo ni udh nemenin gw selama 1 thn lbh.setia bgt deh....slalu bantu gw kalo gw lg susah
keluarganya jg udh sayang bgt ma gw ky kluarga mreka sendiri.
but ni cowo pnya kekurangan,yaitu kalo disuruh solat susahnya minta ampun.
gw jd ragu,apa ni cowo bsa ngebimbing gw?gw ngerasa mlh gw yg bimbing dia getoo
cowo ke 2 namanya Nadi ( ade klas gw,loh..)
dia nih nak pesantren + guru ngaji gw skrng
gw kenal dia skitar 2 bln yg lalu.agamanya bagus bgt.klo lg ngaji suaranya bgs bgt
dia dewasa bgt dan gw ykin dia bisa ngebimbing gw.max alim,neh
permasalahannya, dua org ini suka ma gw dan maksa gw utk milih slh satu diantara mereka.
keduanya bener" tulus ma gw( sok tau deh gw..). jujur gw jd bingung bgt....cape deh...gw mesti gimana dong???gw jg ga bs kehilangan dua"nya.maruk amat ya gw
Btw, liburan pd mo kmn?azax" kita donx.....paling gax oleh"nya nangkring di rmh gw,he...he..
oh ya, gw mo pamer neh...gw ranking 5 loh...( bangganya..!!)
liburan gw sibux brats...persiapan MOS geto deh...
bwt unie, mangnya lo dah jadian ma evan?mana pajak jadiannya?ko ga nyiprat" ke gw seh...payah lo....pacaran ma artis nih yee..
udh dulu ah,kepanjangan yaa...sorry deh...mumpung sempet neh
jgn lupa sarannya,ya.....help me plizzzz...
so, bye"...kpn" gw mampir lagi deh..
haluu......pa kabar neh???
masih inget ma gw ga??ni gw Nh@".penasehat baenya banddazh
kngen neh....kapan mo ngerumpi bareng lgee.
pada naek kls smua ga?pastnya dong...banddazh.....
bwt thiea,thanks ucpan ultahnya ( ku tunggu kadomu he..4x) boong ding...tapi klo bnran jg ga pa".
gw mo curhat neh....kudu di baca n ksh comment
skrng lg ad 2 org cowo dlm kehidupan gw.(cie....udh ky sinetron aje..)maklum gw kan populer...(wuaduh,narsisnya kambuh neh...)
yg jd mslh,2 cowo ni terlihat perfect di mata gw.
cowo pertama namanya Hadi.nax punk.but, rambutnya ga di mohawk kok...
Cowo ni udh nemenin gw selama 1 thn lbh.setia bgt deh....slalu bantu gw kalo gw lg susah
keluarganya jg udh sayang bgt ma gw ky kluarga mreka sendiri.
but ni cowo pnya kekurangan,yaitu kalo disuruh solat susahnya minta ampun.
gw jd ragu,apa ni cowo bsa ngebimbing gw?gw ngerasa mlh gw yg bimbing dia getoo
cowo ke 2 namanya Nadi ( ade klas gw,loh..)
dia nih nak pesantren + guru ngaji gw skrng
gw kenal dia skitar 2 bln yg lalu.agamanya bagus bgt.klo lg ngaji suaranya bgs bgt
dia dewasa bgt dan gw ykin dia bisa ngebimbing gw.max alim,neh
permasalahannya, dua org ini suka ma gw dan maksa gw utk milih slh satu diantara mereka.
keduanya bener" tulus ma gw( sok tau deh gw..). jujur gw jd bingung bgt....cape deh...gw mesti gimana dong???gw jg ga bs kehilangan dua"nya.maruk amat ya gw
Btw, liburan pd mo kmn?azax" kita donx.....paling gax oleh"nya nangkring di rmh gw,he...he..
oh ya, gw mo pamer neh...gw ranking 5 loh...( bangganya..!!)
liburan gw sibux brats...persiapan MOS geto deh...
bwt unie, mangnya lo dah jadian ma evan?mana pajak jadiannya?ko ga nyiprat" ke gw seh...payah lo....pacaran ma artis nih yee..
udh dulu ah,kepanjangan yaa...sorry deh...mumpung sempet neh
jgn lupa sarannya,ya.....help me plizzzz...
so, bye"...kpn" gw mampir lagi deh..
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